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sub handmade w
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website Webby Award Winner Muybridge buffalo running animation asset by Design Direction llc clark most
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website powwow regalia photo by Design Direction llc clark most
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website Kate Catches photo by Design Direction llc clark most
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website Chief Joe American Horse photo by Design Direction llc clark most
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website great sioux reservation map by Design Direction llc clark most
ip Pine Ridge Story Sioux website badlands red shirt table photo by Design Direction llc clark most

Pine Ridge Story

This project involved working with tribal leadership from the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, and was designed as an educational tool and conduit for assisting the tribe with their own initiatives.

The site objectives included educating viewers in a concise, pictorial format about the reservation’s historical, social, health and economic challenges in what has historically been the 3rd poorest county in the United States. In addition to the many challenges at Pine Ridge, it was critical to highlight the current progress being made by tribal members and to provide contact information for viewers, and encourage them to work directly with native-run local organizations.

We were deeply honored to have created this project and are thankful for the people that we met and friends that were made along the way.

Client Name: Pine Ridge Sioux Tribal Leadership

Category: websites


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